
Emacs で多言語入力する方法(ドイツ語、スペイン語、フランス語、中国語など)

* 一般的な話

M-x set-input-method RET [入力方式]


C-x RET C-\ [入力方式]


[入力方式] に入れる事ができる値は

M-x list-input-methods


フランス語: french-prefix
ラテン語(イタリア、スペインとか): latin-prefix (または latin-postfix)
カタルーニャ語 catalan-prefix


一つの言語に対して複数の入力方式が提供されており、特殊文字入力の判断を記号を前置する事にする hogelanguage-prefix あるいは 後置にする language-postfix などがある。


M-x describe-input-method [入力方式]
M-x quail-help (もう古い?)
C-h I method RET
C-h C-\ method RET


また C-\ で 選択されている入力方式をオンオフできる。

保存は utf-8 にしておいた方がいいと思う。
skk-mode はオフにしておいた方がいいのかなって感じ。

* 具体例1 ドイツ語 äÄ öÖ üÜ ß

M-x set-input-method RET german-postfix


C-x RET C-\ german-postfix


入力 -> 表示
"A -> Ä
"a -> ä
"o -> ö
"O -> Ö
"u -> ü
"U -> Ü
"s -> ß

M-x quail-help で内容が確認できる。

* 具体例2 フィンランド語 ÄÖäö

M-x set-input-method RET finnish-postfix


C-x RET C-\ finnish-postfix


入力 -> 表示
AE -> Ä
OE -> Ö

* サポートされている言語と入力方式(emacs24.3.1)

[M-x list-input-methods の内容]

NAME (`TITLE' in mode line)
arabic (`ع' in mode line)
Arabic input method.
assamese-inscript (`AsmIS' in mode line)
Assamese keyboard Inscript
assamese-itrans (`AsmIT' in mode line)
Assamese ITRANS
belarusian (`BE' in mode line)
ЙЦУКЕН keyboard layout registered as STB955-94 Belarusian standard.
bengali-inscript (`BngIS' in mode line)
Bengali keyboard Inscript
bengali-itrans (`BngIT' in mode line)
Bengali ITRANS
bulgarian-bds (`БДС' in mode line)
Bulgarian standard keyboard layout (BDS)
bulgarian-phonetic (`ЖБФ' in mode line)
Bulgarian Phonetic keyboard layout, producing Unicode.
bulgarian-alt-phonetic (`БНФ' in mode line)
Bulgarian alternative Phonetic keyboard layout, producing Unicode.
chinese-sisheng (`ǚ' in mode line)
Sìshēng input method for pīnyīn transliteration of Chinese.
chinese-b5-tsangchi (`倉B' in mode line)
chinese-punct-b5 (`標B' in mode line)
chinese-4corner (`四角' in mode line)
chinese-qj-b5 (`全B' in mode line)
chinese-py-punct-b5 (`拼符' in mode line)
中文輸入【拼音】 and `v' for 標點符號輸入
chinese-ctlaub (`劉粵' in mode line)
chinese-ecdict (`英漢' in mode line)
chinese-etzy (`倚注' in mode line)
chinese-py-b5 (`拼B' in mode line)
chinese-zozy (`零注' in mode line)
chinese-array30 (`30' in mode line)
chinese-b5-quick (`簡B' in mode line)
chinese-cns-quick (`簡C' in mode line)
chinese-cns-tsangchi (`倉C' in mode line)
chinese-sw (`首尾' in mode line)
chinese-punct (`标G' in mode line)
chinese-py (`拼G' in mode line)
chinese-qj (`全G' in mode line)
chinese-ccdospy (`缩拼' in mode line)
chinese-tonepy-punct (`拼符' in mode line)
汉字输入 带调拼音方案 and `v' for 标点符号输入
chinese-py-punct (`拼符' in mode line)
汉字输入 拼音方案 and `v' for 标点符号输入
chinese-ctlau (`刘粤' in mode line)
chinese-tonepy (`调拼' in mode line)
chinese-ziranma (`自然' in mode line)
croatian-cc (`HR' in mode line)
Another alternative Croatian input method.
croatian-xy (`HR' in mode line)
An alternative Croatian input method.
croatian-postfix (`HR' in mode line)
Croatian input method, postfix.
croatian-prefix (`HR' in mode line)
Croatian input method, postfix.
croatian-qwerty (`HR' in mode line)
Croatian keyboard without the y/z swap.
croatian (`HR' in mode line)
"Standard" Croatian keyboard.
cyrillic-jis-russian (`ЖЙ' in mode line)
ЙЦУКЕН keyboard layout same as JCUKEN (JIS X0208.1983 encoding)
cyrillic-translit (`Жt' in mode line)
Intuitively transliterated keyboard layout.
cyrillic-yawerty (`ЖЯ' in mode line)
ЯВЕРТЫ Roman transcription
cyrillic-serbian (`ЖS' in mode line)
ЉЊЕРТЗ-ЂЋ keyboard layout based on JUS.I.K1.005
cyrillic-macedonian (`ЖM' in mode line)
ЉЊЕРТЗ-ЃЌ keyboard layout based on JUS.I.K1.004
czech-prog-3 (`CZ' in mode line)
Czech (non-standard) keyboard for programmers compatible with the default
czech-prog-2 (`CZ' in mode line)
Czech (non-standard) keyboard for programmers #2.
czech-prog-1 (`CZ' in mode line)
Czech (non-standard) keyboard for programmers #1.
czech-qwerty (`CZ' in mode line)
"Standard" Czech keyboard in the Windoze NT 105 keys version, QWERTY layout.
czech (`CZ' in mode line)
"Standard" Czech keyboard in the Windoze NT 105 keys version.
devanagari-inscript (`DevIS' in mode line)
Devanagari keyboard Inscript
devanagari-aiba (`DevAB' in mode line)
Devanagari Aiba
devanagari-kyoto-harvard (`DevKH' in mode line)
Devanagari Kyoto-Harvard
devanagari-itrans (`DevIT' in mode line)
Devanagari ITRANS
dutch (`NL' in mode line)
Dutch character mixfix input method.
english-dvorak (`DV@' in mode line)
English (ASCII) input method simulating Dvorak keyboard
ethiopic (`ፊደል ' in mode line)
Quail package for Ethiopic (Tigrigna and Amharic)
french-alt-postfix (`FR<' in mode line)
French (Français) input method with postfix modifiers
french-prefix (`FR>' in mode line)
French (Français) input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'e -> é
grave | ` | `a -> à
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
diaeresis | " | "i -> ï
cedilla | ~ or , | ~c -> ç ,c -> ç
symbol | ~ | ~> -> » ~< -> «

french-azerty (`AZ@' in mode line)
French (Français) input method simulating Azerty keyboard

Similaire au clavier français de SUN.
préfixes: ^ pour circonflexe, ¨ pour tréma.
<e dans l'o> n'est pas disponible.
french-keyboard (`FR@' in mode line)
French (Français) input method simulating some French keyboard
<e dans l'o> n'est pas disponible.
french-postfix (`FR<' in mode line)
French (Français) input method with postfix modifiers

` pour grave, ' pour aigu, ^ pour circonflexe, et " pour tréma.
Par exemple: a` -> à e' -> é.

Ç, «, et » sont produits par C,, <<, et >>.

En doublant la frappe des diacritiques, ils s'isoleront de la lettre.
Par exemple: e'' -> e'

<e dans l'o> n'est pas disponible.
georgian (`გ' in mode line)
A common Georgian transliteration (using Unicode)
german-prefix (`DE>' in mode line)
German (Deutsch) input method with prefix modifiers
Key translation rules are:
"A -> Ä -> "O -> Ö "U -> Ü "s -> ß

german (`DE@' in mode line)
German (Deutsch) input method simulating SUN German keyboard
german-postfix (`DE<' in mode line)
German (Deutsch) input method

ae -> ä
aee -> ae
oe -> ö
oee -> oe
ue -> ü (not after a/e/q)
uee -> ue
sz -> ß
szz -> sz

greek (`Ω' in mode line)
Ελληνικά: Greek keyboard layout (ISO 8859-7)
greek-ibycus4 (`IB' in mode line)
The Ibycus4 input method for Classical Greek using mule-unicode-0100-24ff.
greek-babel (`BG' in mode line)
The TeX Babel input method for Classical Greek using mule-unicode-0100-24ff.
greek-mizuochi (`CG' in mode line)
The Mizuochi input method for Classical Greek using mule-unicode-0100-24ff.
greek-jis (`Ω' in mode line)
Ελληνικα: Greek keyboard layout (JIS X0208.1983)
greek-postfix (`Ψ' in mode line)
Ελληνικά: Greek keyboard layout with postfix accents (ISO 8859-7)
gujarati-inscript (`GjrIS' in mode line)
Gujarati keyboard Inscript
gujarati-itrans (`GjrIT' in mode line)
Gujarati ITRANS
yiddish-keyman (`ײק' in mode line)
Yiddish Keyman input method.
yiddish-royal (`ײר' in mode line)
Yiddish Royal input method.
hebrew-biblical-sil (`סִל' in mode line)
Biblical Hebrew SIL input method.
hebrew-biblical-tiro (`תִרֹ' in mode line)
Biblical Hebrew Tiro input method.
hebrew-full (`עִ֫' in mode line)
Hebrew Full method.
hebrew-lyx (`לִ' in mode line)
Hebrew LyX input method.
hebrew-new (`ע' in mode line)
Hebrew SI-1452 new draft input method.
hebrew (`ע' in mode line)
Hebrew SI-1452 input method.
ipa-x-sampa (`IPA-X' in mode line)
The International Phonetic Alphabet, using J.C. Wells' X-SAMPA.
ipa-kirshenbaum (`IPA-K' in mode line)
The International Phonetic Alphabet, using Kirshenbaum ASCII translit.
ipa (`IPA' in mode line)
International Phonetic Alphabet for English, French, German and Italian
ipa-praat (`IPAP' in mode line)
International Phonetic Alphabet input method.
japanese-katakana (`ア' in mode line)
Japanese katakana input method by Roman transliteration.
japanese-hiragana (`あ' in mode line)
Japanese hiragana input method by Roman transliteration.
japanese-hankaku-kana (`ア' in mode line)
Japanese hankaku katakana input method by Roman transliteration.
japanese-zenkaku (`A' in mode line)
Japanese zenkaku alpha numeric character input method.
japanese-ascii (`Aa' in mode line)
Temporary ASCII input mode used within the input method `japanese'.
japanese (`Aあ' in mode line)
Japanese input method by Roman transliteration and Kana-Kanji conversion.
japanese-skk-auto-fill (`' in mode line)
Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program with auto-fill
japanese-skk (`' in mode line)
Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program
kannada-inscript (`KndIS' in mode line)
Kannada keyboard Inscript
kannada-itrans (`KndIT' in mode line)
Kannada ITRANS
korean-hanja (`漢2' in mode line)
2벌식KSC漢字: 該當하는 漢字의 韻을 한글2벌式으로 呼出하여 選擇
korean-symbol (`심벌' in mode line)
korean-hanja-jis (`漢2' in mode line)
2벌식JIS漢字: 該當하는 漢字의 韻을 한글2벌式으로 呼出하여 選擇
korean-hanja3 (`漢3' in mode line)
3벌식KSC漢字: 該當하는 漢字의 韻을 한글3벌式으로 呼出하여 選擇
lao-lrt (`ລR' in mode line)
Lao input method using LRT (Lao Roman Transcription).
lao (`ລ' in mode line)
Lao input method simulating Lao keyboard layout based on Thai TIS620
latin-alt-postfix (`L<' in mode line)
Latin character input method with postfix modifiers.
latin-prefix (`L>' in mode line)
Latin characters input method with prefix modifiers.
This is the union of various input methods originally made for input
of characters from a single Latin-N charset.

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á, '' -> ´
grave | ` | `a -> à
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
diaeresis | " | "a -> ä "" -> ¨
tilde | ~ | ~a -> ã
cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç
breve | ~ | ~a -> ă
caron | ~ | ~c -> č
dot above | ~ / . | ~o -> ġ /o -> ġ .o -> ġ
misc | " ~ / | "s -> ß ~d -> ð ~t -> þ /a -> å /e -> æ /o -> ø
symbol | ~ | ~> -> » ~< -> « ~! -> ¡ ~? -> ¿ ~~ -> ¸
symbol | _ / | _o -> º _a -> ª // -> ° /\ -> × _y -> ¥
symbol | ^ | ^r -> ® ^c -> © ^1 -> ¹ ^2 -> ² ^3 -> ³

latin-postfix (`L<' in mode line)
Latin character input method with postfix modifiers.
This is the union of various input methods originally made for input
of characters from a single Latin-N charset.

| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> á
grave | ` | a` -> à
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> â
diaeresis | " | a" -> ä
tilde | ~ | a~ -> ã
cedilla | , | c, -> ç
ogonek | , | a, -> ą
breve | ~ | a~ -> ă
caron | ~ | c~ -> č
dbl. acute | : | o: -> ő
ring | . | u. -> ů
dot | . | z. -> ż
stroke | / | d/ -> đ
nordic | / | d/ -> ð t/ -> þ a/ -> å e/ -> æ o/ -> ø
others | / | s/ -> ß ?/ -> ¿ !/ -> ¡ // -> °
| various | << -> « >> -> » o_ -> º a_ -> ª

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'

italian-alt-postfix (`IT<' in mode line)
Italian (Italiano) input method with postfix modifiers
latin-1-alt-postfix (`1<' in mode line)
Latin-1 character input method with postfix modifiers
portuguese-prefix (`PT>' in mode line)
Portuguese input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á '' -> ´
grave | ` | `a -> à
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
diaeresis | " | "u -> ü
tilde | ~ | ~a -> ã
cedilla | ' or , | 'c -> ç ,c -> ç

irish-prefix (`GA>' in mode line)
Irish input method with prefix modifiers
Key translation rules are:
'A -> Á 'E -> É 'I -> Í 'O -> Ó 'U -> Ú

catalan-prefix (`CA>' in mode line)
Catalan and Spanish input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á '' -> ´
grave | ` | `a -> à
diaeresis | " | "i -> ï "" -> ¨
tilde | ~ | ~n -> ñ
cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç
symbol | ~ | ~> -> » ~< -> « ~! -> ¡ ~? -> ¿

latin-1-prefix (`1>' in mode line)
Latin-1 characters input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á, '' -> ´
grave | ` | `a -> à
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
diaeresis | " | "a -> ä "" -> ¨
tilde | ~ | ~a -> ã
cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç
misc | " ~ / | "s -> ß ~d -> ð ~t -> þ /a -> å /e -> æ /o -> ø
symbol | ~ | ~> -> » ~< -> « ~! -> ¡ ~? -> ¿ ~~ -> ¸
| ~ | ~s -> § ~x -> ¤ ~. -> · ~$ -> £ ~u -> µ
| ~ | ~p -> ¶ ~- -> ­ ~= -> ¯ ~| -> ¦
symbol | _ / | _o -> º _a -> ª // -> ° /\ -> × _y -> ¥
| _ / | _: -> ÷ /c -> ¢ /2 -> ½ /4 -> ¼ /3 -> ¾
| _ / | /= -> ¬
symbol | ^ | ^r -> ® ^c -> © ^1 -> ¹ ^2 -> ² ^3 -> ³

italian-keyboard (`IT@' in mode line)
Italian (Italiano) input method simulating SUN Italian keyboard
finnish-keyboard (`FI@' in mode line)
Finnish input method simulating SUN Finnish/Swedish keyboard
swedish-keyboard (`SV@' in mode line)
Swedish (Svenska) input method simulating SUN Swedish/Finnish keyboard
norwegian-keyboard (`NO@' in mode line)
Norwegian (Norsk) input method simulating SUN Norwegian keyboard
danish-keyboard (`DA@' in mode line)
Danish input method simulating SUN Danish keyboard
icelandic-keyboard (`IS@' in mode line)
Icelandic (Íslenska) input method simulating some Icelandic keyboard

Dead accent is right to æ.
british (`£@' in mode line)
British English input method with Latin-1 character £ (# -> £)
swedish-postfix (`SV<' in mode line)
Swedish (Svenska) input method (rule: AA -> Å AE -> Ä OE -> Ö E' -> É)

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. aee -> ae

scandinavian-postfix (`SC<' in mode line)
Scandinavian input method with postfix modifiers
Supported languages are Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish.

ae -> æ
oe -> ø
aa -> å
a" -> ä
o" -> ö
e' -> é

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix:
aee -> ae o"" -> o" etc.

norwegian-postfix (`NO<' in mode line)
Norwegian (Norsk) input method (rule: AE->Æ OE->Ø AA->Å E'->É)

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. aee -> ae

italian-postfix (`IT<' in mode line)
Italian (Italiano) input method with postfix modifiers

a` -> à A` -> À e' -> é << -> «
e` -> è E` -> È E' -> É >> -> »
i` -> ì I` -> Ì o_ -> º
o` -> ò O` -> Ò a_ -> ª
u` -> ù U` -> Ù

Typewriter-style italian characters.

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a`` -> a`

icelandic-postfix (`IS<' in mode line)
Icelandic (Íslenska) input method with postfix modifiers

A' -> Á
E' -> É
I' -> Í
O' -> Ó
U' -> Ú
Y' -> Ý
AE -> Æ
OE -> Ö
D/ -> Ð (eth)
T/ -> Þ (thorn)

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'

finnish-postfix (`FI<' in mode line)
Finnish (Suomi) input method

AE -> Ä
OE -> Ö

danish-postfix (`DA<' in mode line)
Danish input method (rule: AE -> Æ, OE -> Ø, AA -> Å, E' -> É)

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. aee -> ae

latin-1-postfix (`1<' in mode line)
Latin-1 character input method with postfix modifiers

| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> á
grave | ` | a` -> à
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> â
diaeresis | " | a" -> ä
tilde | ~ | a~ -> ã
cedilla | , | c, -> ç
nordic | / | d/ -> ð t/ -> þ a/ -> å e/ -> æ o/ -> ø
others | / | s/ -> ß ?/ -> ¿ !/ -> ¡ // -> °
| various | << -> « >> -> » o_ -> º a_ -> ª

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'

latin-2-alt-postfix (`2<' in mode line)
Latin-2 character input method with postfix modifiers
latin-2-prefix (`2>' in mode line)
Latin-2 characters input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á '' -> ?´
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
diaeresis | " | "a -> ä "" -> ¨
breve | ~ | ~a -> ă
caron | ~ | ~c -> č
cedilla | ` | `c -> ç `e -> ?ę
misc | ' ` ~ | 'd -> đ `l -> ł `z -> ż ~o -> ő ~u -> ű
symbol | ~ | `. -> ˙ ~~ -> ˘ ~. -> ?¸

latin-2-postfix (`2<' in mode line)
Latin-2 character input method with postfix modifiers

| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> á
ogonek | , | a, -> ą
diaeresis | " | a" -> ä
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> â
breve | ~ | a~ -> ă
cedilla | , | c, -> ç
caron | ~ | c~ -> č
dbl. acute | : | o: -> ő
ring | . | u. -> ů
dot | . | z. -> ż
stroke | / | d/ -> đ
others | / | s/ -> ß

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'

latin-3-alt-postfix (`3<' in mode line)
Latin-3 character input method with postfix modifiers
latin-3-prefix (`3>' in mode line)
Latin-3 characters input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á '' -> ?´
grave | ` | `a -> à
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
diaeresis | " | "a -> ä "" -> ¨
cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç ~s -> ş ~~ -> ¸
dot above | / . | /g -> ġ .o -> ġ
misc | " ~ / | "s -> ß ~g -> ğ ~u -> ŭ /h -> ħ /i -> ı
symbol | ~ | ~` -> ˘ /# -> £ /$ -> ¤ // -> °

esperanto-prefix (`EO>' in mode line)
Esperanto input method with prefix modifiers
Key translation rules are:
^H -> ?Ĥ ^J -> ?Ĵ ^h -> ?ĥ ^j -> ?ĵ ^C -> ?Ĉ ^G -> ?Ĝ,
^S -> ?Ŝ ^c -> ?ĉ ^g -> ?ĝ ^s -> ?ŝ ~U -> ?Ŭ ~u -> ?ŭ

esperanto-postfix (`EO<' in mode line)
Esperanto input method with postfix modifiers

A following ^ or x will produce an accented character,
e.g. c^ -> ĉ gx -> ĝ u^ -> ŭ.

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix,
e.g. a'' -> a'.

latin-3-postfix (`3<' in mode line)
Latin-3 character input method with postfix modifiers

| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> á
grave | ` | a` -> à
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> â
diaeresis | " | a" -> ä
dot | . | c. -> ċ i. -> ı I. -> İ
cedilla | , | c, -> ç
breve | ~ | g~ -> ğ
tilde | ~ | n~ -> ñ
stroke | / | h/ -> ħ
others | / | s/ -> ß

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'

latin-4-alt-postfix (`4<' in mode line)
Latin-4 characters input method with postfix modifiers
latin-4-postfix (`4<' in mode line)
Latin-4 characters input method with postfix modifiers

| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> á
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> â
diaeresis | " | a" -> ä
ogonek | , | a, -> ą
macron | - | a- -> ā
tilde | ~ | a~ -> ã
caron | ~ | c~ -> č
dot | . | e. -> ė
cedilla | , | k, -> ķ g, -> ģ
stroke | / | d/ -> đ
nordic | / | a/ -> å e/ -> æ o/ -> ø
others | / | s/ -> ß n/ -> ŋ k/ -> ĸ

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'

latin-5-alt-postfix (`5<' in mode line)
Latin-5 characters input method with postfix modifiers
latin-5-postfix (`5<' in mode line)
Latin-5 characters input method with postfix modifiers

| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> á
grave | ` | a` -> à
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> â
diaeresis | " | a" -> ä
tilde | ~ | a~ -> ã
breve | ~ | g~ -> ğ
cedilla | , | c, -> ç
dot | . | i. -> ı I. -> İ
nordic | / | a/ -> å e/ -> æ o/ -> ø
others | / | s/ -> ß

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'

latin-8-prefix (`8>' in mode line)
Latin-8 characters input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á
grave | ` | `a -> à
circumflex | ^ | ^w -> ŵ
diaeresis | " | "a -> ä
dot above | . | .b -> ḃ
tilde | ~ | ~a -> ã
cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç
misc | " ~ / | "s -> ß /a -> å /e -> æ /o -> ø
| ~ | ~s -> § ~$ -> £ ~p -> ¶
symbol | ^ | ^r -> ® ^c -> ©

latin-9-prefix (`0>' in mode line)
Latin-9 characters input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á
grave | ` | `a -> à
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
diaeresis | " | "a -> ä, "Y -> Ÿ
tilde | ~ | ~a -> ã
caron | ~ | ~z -> ž
cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç
misc | " ~ / | "s -> ß ~d -> ð ~t -> þ /a -> å /e -> æ /o -> ø
| " ~ / | /o -> œ
symbol | ~ | ~> -> » ~< -> « ~! -> ¡ ~? -> ¿ ~~ -> ž
| ~ | ~s -> § ~e -> € ~. -> · ~$ -> £ ~u -> µ
| ~ | ~- -> ­ ~= -> ¯
symbol | _ / | _o -> º _a -> ª // -> ° /\ -> × _y -> ¥
| _ / | _: -> ÷ /c -> ¢ ~p -> ¶
| _ / | /= -> ¬
symbol | ^ | ^r -> ® ^c -> © ^1 -> ¹ ^2 -> ² ^3 -> ³ _a -> ª

latvian-keyboard (`Lv' in mode line)
Latvian standard keyboard input method.
lithuanian-keyboard (`Lt' in mode line)
Lithuanian standard keyboard input method.
lithuanian-numeric (`LtN' in mode line)
Lithuanian numeric input method.
malayalam-inscript (`MlmIS' in mode line)
Malayalam keyboard Inscript
malayalam-itrans (`MlmIT' in mode line)
Malayalam ITRANS
oriya-inscript (`OriIS' in mode line)
Oriya keyboard Inscript
oriya-itrans (`OriIT' in mode line)
farsi-transliterate-banan (`ب' in mode line)
Intuitive transliteration keyboard layout for persian/farsi.
farsi-isiri-9147 (` ف' in mode line)
Farsi keyboard based on ISIRI-9147.
polish-slash (`PL>' in mode line)
Polish diacritics and slash character are input as `/[acelnosxzACELNOSXZ/]'.
For example, the character named `aogonek' is obtained by `/a'.
punjabi-inscript (`PnjIS' in mode line)
Punjabi keyboard Inscript
punjabi-itrans (`PnjIT' in mode line)
Punjabi ITRANS
romanian-alt-prefix (`RO>' in mode line)
Alternative Romanian (româneşte) input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
tilde | " | "a -> â
circumflex | ' | 'a -> â, 'i -> î
cedilla | ' | 's -> ş, 't -> ţ
' | ' | '' -> '
" | " | "" -> "

romanian-prefix (`RO>' in mode line)
Romanian (româneşte) input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
tilde | ~ | ~a -> ă
circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â, ^i -> î
cedilla | , | ,s -> ş, ,t -> ţ
~ | ~ | ~~ -> ~
^ | ^ | ^^ -> ^
, | , | ,, -> ,

russian-computer (`RU' in mode line)
ЙЦУКЕН Russian computer layout
cyrillic-jcuken (`ЖЙ' in mode line)
ЙЦУКЕН Russian typewriter layout (ISO 8859-5 encoding).
russian-typewriter (`ЖЙ' in mode line)
ЙЦУКЕН Russian typewriter layout (ISO 8859-5 encoding).
slovak-prog-3 (`SK' in mode line)
Slovak (non-standard) keyboard for programmers #3.
slovak-prog-2 (`SK' in mode line)
Slovak (non-standard) keyboard for programmers #2.
slovak-prog-1 (`SK' in mode line)
Slovak (non-standard) keyboard for programmers #1.
slovak (`SK' in mode line)
Standard Slovak keyboard.
slovenian (`Sl' in mode line)
Slovenian postfix input.
spanish-prefix (`ES>' in mode line)
Spanish (Español) input method with prefix modifiers

effect | prefix | examples
acute | ' | 'a -> á
diaeresis | " | "u -> ü
tilde | ~ | ~n -> ñ
symbol | ~ | ~> -> » ~< -> « ~! -> ¡ ~? -> ¿

spanish-keyboard (`ES@' in mode line)
Spanish (Español) input method simulating SUN Spanish keyboard
spanish-postfix (`ES<' in mode line)
Spanish (Español) input method with postfix modifiers

A' -> Á
E' -> É
I' -> Í
O' -> Ó
U' -> Ú
N~ -> Ñ
!/ -> ¡
?/ -> ¿

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix:
a'' -> a' n~~ -> n~, etc.

tamil-inscript (`TmlIS' in mode line)
Tamil keyboard Inscript
tamil-itrans (`TmlIT' in mode line)
telugu-inscript (`TlgIS' in mode line)
Telugu keyboard Inscript
telugu-itrans (`TlgIT' in mode line)
thai-pattachote (`กป>' in mode line)
Thai Pattachote input method with TIS620 keyboard layout
thai-kesmanee (`กก>' in mode line)
Thai Kesmanee input method with TIS620 keyboard layout
tibetan-tibkey (`TIBt' in mode line)
Tibetan character input by TibKey key assignment.
tibetan-wylie (`TIBw' in mode line)
Tibetan character input by Extended Wylie key assignment.
turkish-alt-postfix (`TR«' in mode line)
Turkish (Türkçe) input method with postfix modifiers.
turkish-postfix (`TR<' in mode line)
Turkish (Türkçe) input method with postfix modifiers.
turkish-latin-3-postfix is an obsolete alias for turkish-postfix.

Note for I, ı, İ, i.

A^ -> Â
C, -> Ç
G^ -> Ğ
I -> I
i -> ı
I. -> İ
i. -> i
O" -> Ö
S, -> Ş
U" -> Ü
U^ -> Û

Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a^^ -> a^

korean-hangul3 (`한390' in mode line)
Hangul 3-Bulsik 390 Input
korean-hangul390 (`한390' in mode line)
Hangul 3-Bulsik 390 Input
korean-hangul3f (`한3f' in mode line)
Hangul 3-Bulsik final Input
korean-hangul (`한2' in mode line)
Hangul 2-Bulsik Input
ucs (`U+' in mode line)
Unicode input as hex in the form Uxxxx.
TeX (`\' in mode line)
LaTeX-like input method for many characters.
sgml (`&' in mode line)
Unicode characters input method using SGML entities.
rfc1345 (`m' in mode line)
Unicode characters input method using RFC1345 mnemonics (non-ASCII only).
ukrainian-computer (`UK' in mode line)
ЙЦУКЕН Ukrainian (Unicode-based for use with KOI8-U encoding).
cyrillic-ukrainian (`ЖU' in mode line)
vietnamese-vni (`VV' in mode line)
Vietnamese VNI input method
vietnamese-telex (`VT' in mode line)
Vietnamese telex input method
vietnamese-viqr (`VQ' in mode line)
Vietnamese input method with VIQR mnemonic system
welsh (`Ŵ' in mode line)
Welsh postfix input method

cake clothoid

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